There are a number of ways that you can save money today. One of them is to take some time to ensure that you are getting the best possible rate from your supplier. If you are not getting the lowest rate, changing suppliers may be a viable option for you. Here are a few tips for switching suppliers and saving money on your electricity costs:
- First you must find the best possible rate. Most suppliers offer better rates for those who secure their energy online. Even if you do not have access to the internet, you can still spend some time researching various suppliers to find the lowest rate. You should first work out how much you typically spend on energy. You should be able to look at your latest bill to determine your average usage.
- Now you will need to determine if your current supplier offers a better deal than what you are currently receiving or if another supplier can beat their price. You can call up energy suppliers directly to see what they are currently offering and determine if this is better than what you have right now. Keep in mind that off-peak tariffs like Economy 7 and 10 are typically better for homes that use 60 percent or more of their energy late at night as opposed to those who use more during the daytime hours.
- Finally, you simply have to make the switch. If you have found a better deal then you can switch suppliers. You should note that you will need to take care of any outstanding debt with your current supplier and that changing can take up to eight weeks. You will continue to receive energy from your current supplier until the switch is complete. Also note that there is a chance that your quoted price may change during the time that it takes for you to switch. If you have a fixed term deal and you switch before that deal has expired, you may be charged for the additional time left.
This article was written by Electricity Prices, the number one electricity price comparison site in the UK. Click here to visit us and learn more today.