Things are looking fairly bleak in Britain at the moment, on all fronts. We’re experiencing a sharp cold snap, and George Osborne has recently come out and warned us all of more hardship ahead. Now this probably hasn’t come as any surprise to the majority of all of us on these isles, but the whole thing does wear you down somewhat. Despite what the business world is up against however, in order to get by you need to use whatever resources and benefits available to you to gain some sort of advantage and keep ahead of it all.
One such resource that is looking to be introduced in April 2013 is the patent box service scheme. This is a UK based taxation scheme which allows companies to apply a 10% rate of corporation tax for any net profits that come about from your patented products. The intention of the scheme is to encourage commercialisation of company patents in the UK, in a bid to reinvigorate the countries economy.
These types of changes to the UK patent system can complicate matters for any business no matter how old or new you are to the industry. Such schemes look and sound good on paper, but unless you have any kind of knowledge or understanding of these types of laws it’s almost impossible to know how beneficial it will be for you.
It is reasons such as this that are why there is a plethora of specialist firms around the country that can guide companies or individuals through complex legal issues like this. If you can it is recommended that you find an intellectual property attorney to help solidify and cover you legally on all aspects of IP and ensure you implement schemes and patents that will have a beneficial impact on your business.
Try and keep abreast of any change in laws or systems that concern your organisations field, but having an affiliation with an IP firm gives you that extra expertise and professionalism in the market. At the end of the day such a service is invaluable legally and financially for you, so take advantage of the resources available.