You might have recently sat down, looked at your financial situation and figured that the only way out of the financial mess you are in is to file for bankruptcy. However you might be trying to find another way out that does not involve filing for bankruptcy because you have heard that it is difficult to regain your good credit history again. Well the good news is that you will be able to reestablish your credit after bankruptcy and it is easier and faster than you might think. This article will show you how to do it and do it the right way.
Obtain A Credit Card
Once you have filed for bankruptcy and it has been discharged the first this thing you should do is try to obtain a credit card. This might be easier than you think it is and you might even get lucky enough to find a credit card company that is willing to give you a card that is unsecured. Of course it will have a low credit limit attached to it. You will be surprised at how much having a new credit card in your name will make a difference on your credit report. Of course you will also need to make the payments on time to make this work.
Secured Line Of Credit
Once you have obtained the credit card your next step to repair your credit is to obtain a secured line of credit. There are many different stores that will do this for purchases such as home good, electronics, or other items. Once you start making your payments this account will also be reported to the credit bureaus and you will start earning good credit.
Car Loans
If you are interested in a car loan to help rebuild your credit history you will need to wait at least a year of starting to rebuild your credit to even be considered for a car loan. Once that year is up you will probably be able to obtain this type of a loan but it will cost you in the interest rate. This is because you will be considered a high-risk borrower the interest rate will be extremely high.
Home Mortgage Loan
In order to be considered for a home mortgage loan after bankruptcy you will probably need to wait at least two years before you even think about buying a new home. Even then your interest rate will be higher than that of someone who does not have a bankruptcy on his or her records. However if you keep your payments current you could soon qualify for a refinance of your home loan and get a better interest rate. This can usually be done about two years after you close on your first mortgage loan.
The common myth of having to wait for years once your bankruptcy has been discharged before you start to rebuild your credit is just that. It is a myth that needs to be broken. There are many ways that you can rebuild your credit without causing more trouble. In fact the sooner you start the better it will be for you.
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