Free debt advice is something that is offered by a lot of debt consolidation companies but this seems to be false advertising as there are hidden costs that are added later on. There is however a company that is offering free advice and they will put you on their own plan for no charge. This is something that is practically unheard of in this industry but Clearstart seem to be setting an industry standard that should be followed by many other companies.
For those who find themselves in financial trouble quite regularly and struggle to make payments on time then their debt management plan is the ideal solution. What puts a lot of people off getting these plans is that there is usually a setup fee of 1 to 2 months total payments upfront plus they charge between 15% to 18% per month. It is the upfront setup fee that most people struggle with and do not have that kind of spare income laying around. This leads them to try and tackle the problem themselves which in a lot of cases does not benefit them and sometimes makes them worse.
Their management plan is completely free and there are no fees at all for them to handle your finances. They will only ask for a monthly payment that is affordable to yourself and they will distribute this amongst your creditors paying off your debts and leaving you stress free.
For those who are in more serious trouble and owe more than £10,000 there is also the growing in popularity IVA. This is something that should not be taken lightly as it is a very serious arrangement to make with any of your creditors. But it does allow for a large percentage of your debts to be written off and a small manageable fee paid every month to clear what you owe. There is a small monthly charge for this but there are no setup fees and they will not charge you for the application process either.
If you are looking for debt management with a difference then Clearstart has a very cost-effective solution that can put you back on the right track and on the road to recovery.