Mobile phone insurance is viewed by many as a scam which results in you throwing hundreds of pounds away for no need. However, those that have lost mobile phones early in their contracts may beg to differ. If that happens, you either have to live with an old phone for an extended period of time or shell out a huge amount of money to replace the phone. And if you are looking for a new mobile phone, why not visit uSwitch? Go to today to find the best iphone deals.
So how do you ensure you are getting the best deal on your iPhone insurance cover or new HTC insurance policy? Below are some tips on how to make sure you get the best deal on your insurance cover, so that next time your phone goes missing or is broken, you don’t find yourself with an empty wallet trying to replace it. If you don’t have any insurance, it’s well worth looking into. Whether you need a Screen Repair or a new phone, the insurance company will sort it all out for you.
Shop Around!
The biggest mistake many people make is accepting the offer of insurance from their network when they commit to a contract and buy their phone. The large networks will usually offer insurance at a highly inflated price which is not competitive, but most people accept their offer simply for the convenience of it all being packaged in one place.
However, if you look around and do some investigation with independent insurers you will likely find far better deals out there with them. They are incredibly keen to get your business and steal it away from the likes of Orange and O2 and will offer you great prices and incentives to peel you away.
Already Insured?
Many people rush into accepting insurance when the offer is laid in front of them without doing the necessary investigation into what cover they already have. Most people will have house insurance cover which could already cover things like gadgets and mobile phones. If not, there is usually an option to simply add those things on at a fraction of the price which will be offered for individual mobile phone insurance.
Beware of ‘Free’!
When you speak to a salesperson about buying a new phone they will often throw in a lot of offers to try and sweeten the deal and make you more likely to commit to a contract with them. From free dongles to free insurance cover, these offers are made to push you into the purchase. However, because they are add-ons and not what the consumer has originally requested, very little questions are usually asked about them. The offers aren’t usually as good as they seem, particularly in the case of insurance. Often this is an offer of just one month’s insurance, which then becomes chargeable and is added to your bill once you are committed to your contract. Beware!
The key is to always ask lots of questions and do lots of research. If you do that and are aware of these points then you can be confident you’ll come out with a great deal on your mobile phone insurance.